Sitting for long periods has been linked to various health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and many more. Studies have also suggested that a sedentary lifestyle can cause high blood pressure. Whereas, a standing desk is one way of reducing the amount of time you spend sitting.
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The potential benefits of using a sit stand desk include better blood circulation and improved posture, thus reducing high blood pressure levels.

But, we need to understand how standing desks help blood pressure. I will discuss the evidence-based answers, on why blood pressure is higher while sitting or standing, and explore the top 3 reasons sit stand desks helps reduce high blood pressure.
In order to explore further, let us take a deeper look at the article.
Can standing desks help blood pressure?
Standing desks can help reduce and manage blood pressure by cutting out your sedentary lifestyle. In addition, numerous research studies have shown that stand up desks can improve circulation around blood vessels, reduce weight, and lower stress, and tension, eventually reducing the adverse effects of prolonged sitting, and promoting a healthier workspace.
It is essential to alternate sitting and standing throughout the day to maximize the benefits of a sit stand desk. Prolonged standing has also been found to be detrimental to health, so make sure you gradually start your standing routine. Start standing for a half hour every two hours and then increase day by day according to your abilities. Moreover, it helps improve your posture too, if you set the height of your standing desk correctly according to your height, but if you do not know what is the perfect desk height for you, then check out our detailed guide on standard heights of a desktop.
Did You Know: Standing desks are not just for office workers? They can actually help increase productivity at home too. A good desk setup and comfortable office chair are key to making the most of your time while working or studying. You can check out our detailed guide on Do Standing Desks help productivity.
How Standing Desks Decrease Blood Pressure?

If you struggle with this, then standing desks can effectively lower blood pressure levels.
The obvious answer is that standing requires more energy expenditure than sitting and thus may help you shed excess weight, which is a significant factor for blood pressure. Moreover, when you sit for too long, it can cause your blood vessels to narrow and increase the pressure in your veins and arteries. On the other hand, standing causes your muscles to contract and relax which encourages better circulation, thus it increases blood flow throughout your body.
But there is much more to it than just that. So let’s look at the trustable resource that proves how standing desks help blood flow levels.
Evidence Based Answer – Standing Desks Help Blood Pressure
Several studies have been conducted to examine the effect of standing desks on blood pressure levels. The results are promising and indicate that stand desks can be beneficial in terms of reducing blood flow.
“According to a study published in the American Journal of Hypertension, blood pressure is significantly reduced when people stand intermittently during prolonged sitting while working at a desk. This clearly shows that standing desks can positively affect blood pressure”. (Study Research)
Even according to my chiropractor, height adjustable desk can be very beneficial to those with hypertension. He points out that reducing sedentary behavior and increasing standing time can reduce weight and overall blood pressure.
Isn’t it evident that a standing desk helps reduces blood pressure?
As I mentioned earlier, standing burns more calories than the time spent sitting and may help you lose excess weight, an essential factor in hypertension. You’ll burn even more calories while running outdoor, if you use apple watch and want to measure your indicators read here how to setup outdoor run.
Is Blood Pressure Higher while Sitting Or Standing?
It is well established that sitting for prolonged periods of time can raise your blood pressure levels. This is due to the fact that when you sit for an extended period, your body’s circulation slows down, which can lead to the accumulation of blood in the arteries.
When it comes to standing versus sitting blood pressure is typically lower when standing compared to sitting, but for some people, it increases after standing up. When standing up from a seated position, the blood pressure rises from 140/80 to 190/110 to 205/120 mm Hg. But this blood pressure rise is just a result of immediately changing positions without any initial drop.
However, In some cases, blood pressure is higher while sitting or standing than when reclined. In such a case, there may be more risk for adverse cardiovascular events. A doctor can help determine how to manage your hypertension effectively if you have concerns about your blood flow.
Overall, with the right lifestyle changes, diet, and exercise plan, you can keep your blood pressure in check.
Now let’s examine 3 of the most important reasons why standing desks help blood pressure.
How Standing Desks Helps Blood Pressure? – (Top 03 Reasons)
I am excited to share the top 3 reasons why a standing desk helps lower blood pressure. These three reasons are based on credible research and evidence. I have also added my personal experience, as I am using a standing desk myself as well.
Protection from Adverse Effects of Sitting

Prolonged sitting disrupts the body’s metabolism and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Standing desks allow people to move frequently, breaking up long periods of inactivity, which can reduce the harmful effects of sitting.
The Mayo Clinic reports: “A long period of sitting is associated with high blood pressure, blood sugar, and unhealthy cholesterol levels, all of which contribute to metabolic syndrome.”
See standing desks can be beneficial to break up long periods of inactivity, thus reducing the risk of high blood pressure.
The Back and Hips are Relieved from the Pressure

When you sit for too long, gravity pulls your body down and this presses on the back and hip joints. Standing desks relieves these pressure points, providing a comfortable posture that helps to reduce stress, tension, and lowered blood pressure.
Consider yourself as an example; if you sit in one position for hours and suddenly get up to stand, don’t you feel better? Obviously you do. That’s because keeping a balance between sitting and standing is the key to balanced blood pressure levels.
Standing desk Helps in a Healthy Workspace

Having a standing desk encourages movement and helps promote healthy office habits. It can also help remove the added stress of sitting in one position at your long office job. Moreover, when you have a standing desk in your office, you can switch between sitting and standing throughout the day, which not only helps break up long periods of inactivity but also helps to reduce stress and tension.
Helpful Tip: If you run an agency and have employees, you should consider investing in standing desks for them. This can help promote a healthier workspace and keep your employee’s productivity at the highest level.
There are numerous advantages of standing desks, you can check out here. You can check out more advantages here.
Video Recommendations: Standing Desks Help Blood Pressure?
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
Does standing all day increase blood pressure?
It is important to note that standing for long periods of time is not necessarily recommended as it can be tiring. However, alternating between sitting and standing throughout the day can help reduce blood pressure.
Can inactivity raise blood pressure?
Yes, inactivity can increase blood pressure as it leads to reduced cardiovascular fitness. It is important to be physically active throughout the day and incorporate movement into your daily routine to help lower your blood pressure. With age, it is also important to monitor your blood pressure regularly and talk to your doctor if you have any concerns.
Does standing strengthen your heart?
Yes, standing helps to strengthen your heart and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Standing desks allow people to move more frequently, which helps keep the heart rate at a healthy level and reduces stress. The more time you spend standing, the lower your blood sugar, cholesterol, and weight are, which means you have a lower risk of heart disease.
Why is a standing desk good for your heart?
There has been research linking standing desks to the reduction of heart disease risks. This is because it encourages frequent movement and breaks up long periods of inactivity, which can lead to health issues. The use of a standing desk also relieves pressure on the back and hips, providing a relaxed posture that reduces stress, tension, and increases blood flow. As a result, using a standing desk and performing physical activity can help manage overall health.
How To Use Standing Desk Ideally?
Ideally, you should be alternating between sitting and standing at your desk throughout the day. Start by setting a goal of how much of the day you want to spend standing and slowly increase the amount of time. To remind you when to stand or sit, you can also set a timer on your phone or computer. Also, it is important to adjust the height of your desk so that you can be comfortable when standing and sitting. Last but not least, remember to take breaks, and switch positions between sitting and standing to avoid health risks.
Final Verdict
To sum up, standing desks are beneficial for reducing and managing blood pressure and sugar levels.
Prolonged inactivity can impair the body’s metabolism and increase the risk of heart disease. Standing desks provide relief from gravity, pressure points, and stress; encouraging movement throughout the day. Thus, using a standing desk can be beneficial for managing blood pressure.
So, if you are looking for ways to maintain your overall health and well-being, consider investing in a standing desk and making it part of your office setup.
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