Should Your Desk Be Placed In Front Of A Window?

You may have found some conflicting opinions when doing your research on whether you should put your desk in front of a window. Some people say it’s a great idea to have access to natural light and fresh air, while others may warn of possible distractions and glare from the sun.

Overall, placing a desk near a window is indeed safe (we’ll explain further below).

However, there are several reasons why a desk facing window is not a viable option.

Should Your Desk Be Placed In Front Of A Window

Read on for more information about putting a desk in front of a window, and then decide whether it’s something you want to do for yourself.

Should Your Desk Be Placed In Front Of A Window? (Top 09 Reasons Why You Should Not)

There are a lot of drawbacks to placing a desk in front of a window as compared to the pros of placing it there. Major cons include loss of chi energy, less productivity owning to enhanced distraction. Therefore, the desk must be placed aside from the window instead of placing it front of the window.

Before we get into why it’s a good idea to place your desk in front of a window, let’s look at the top eight reasons why you may not want to place your desk facing window:

1. The Loss of Chi Energy

Chi Energy

The Chinese belief of “feng shui” states that having a desk in front of a window disrupts the natural flow of chi energy and creates an environment of negativity.

A Chinese concept called Chi is believed to create harmony and balance in a space. As a result of your desk facing the window, Chi energy escapes outside rather than staying inside, resulting in decreased productivity and more negative feelings. 

2. Visual Distractions

If your table is in front of a window, you may experience visual distractions from the outside world. As a result, you may find yourself drawn to the scenery and forget about the task you must accomplish.

Moreover, if your office or home is situated in a bustling area, you may be overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle outside. This can disrupt your daily workflow and decrease your overall focus level on the task.

3. Noise Distractions

Noise Distractions

As I mentioned before, if your desk face is placed in front of a window, you may experience noise distractions from the outside world. This could be anything from loud conversations, construction work, or traffic. All of these noises can be very disruptive and make it difficult to concentrate on your work.

4. Unaware of the Surroundings

When you sit in front of the window, you’re cut off from what’s happening behind you. So, for example, when your boss or colleague approaches your desk, you may not be aware of their presence until they are right next to you. 

This could seem a bit rude and unprofessional, which can be avoided by placing your desk in the middle of the room. Having your desk directly in front of an open window would also make it difficult for you to collaborate with your peers if you work in a team.

5. Missing out on Business Opportunities

Well, this is kind of a surprising reason, but it’s worth mentioning. Placing your desk in front of the window could actually be a bad idea from a business standpoint.

If you happen to have a meeting with an important client, they will first see your desk and the window behind it. Having your desk facing away from them can send a message that you don’t care about their presence or that you’re not interested in their business.

6. Excessive Sunlight (Glares, Reflections, and Bad Lighting)

Excessive Sunlight

Early morning sunlight can be very beneficial, but if your desk is placed in front of a window, you’ll also be exposed to the afternoon sun. Excessive sunlight can be very distracting and make it difficult to work during certain hours of the day. For example, suppose you’re trying to concentrate on a task and the sun is blazing down your window. In that case, you won’t be able to focus on the job at hand, which could result in mistakes or your work taking longer than usual.

The sun may also reflect off your computer screen, making it hard to see.

7. Raise the Temperature of your PC/desk

Direct sunlight can also make your desk and computer very hot. This could cause a decrease in performance, as the components in your PC need to stay cool in order to function properly. If your PC is too hot, it will start overheating and even shut down unexpectedly.

8. Inadequate Security

If your office is in a ground-floor building instead of a high rise, placing your desk in front of the window may not be ideal if you have valuable items at your desk. In addition, thieves may be tempted to break the window and steal your property if thieves can see what’s inside.

In case you have a desk set up on the ground level and don’t want it to be visible from the outside, it is best to place it in a corner or in the middle of the room.

9. Dust and Grime Build-Up

Placing your desk directly facing the window can also result in dust and grime buildup. This is because windows tend to be open for cold air circulation, which means dust and other particles can enter your work area. This buildup of dirt and grime can affect the performance of your PC, as dust can clog your computer’s cooling fans and other components.

To avoid this, you should regularly clean your desk and PC with compressed air or a vacuum cleaner. In order to avoid dust accumulation on your desk, you can check out our detailed guide here.

Things You Should Consider If You Have To Keep The Desk Facing The Window

After considering the above points, you might be wondering if it’s okay to keep your desk in front of the window. The good news is that it’s possible to make it work with a few adjustments. Here are some tips that can help:

1. Distracting Light can be Blocked by Curtains

Blocked Curtains

If the sun is too bright at certain times of the day, you can install a blind or curtain on the window to reduce glare and light. Installing curtains can also help keep the room temperature and provide some privacy if needed.

So, curtains or blinds can be beneficial in this situation. However, don’t compromise your productivity and comfort by placing your desk in front of the window, which can be distracting.

2. To Compensate for Light Loss, use a Lamp

Worried about the lack of natural or bright light? Invest in good lamp and you can have perfect desktop lighting for your setup. This will provide adequate lighting for working and also save you from the headaches of dealing with window glare and heat.

Facing your desk away from the window, but having a lamp close by, can be just as comfortable and productive.

3. Ensure the Windows are on the Side instead of the Front

Desk on Side of the window

Here’s another tip to reduce distractions, place the desk at the side of the window instead of in front of it. Positioning the window at your side will ensure you have enough space to move and work. It also reduces the chances of overheating and other issues caused by direct sunlight. Again, helping to minimize distractions and create a more comfortable working environment.

For those who choose to sit in front of a window, make sure that you consider all the above points and make the necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable workspace. Additionally, follow the coming section regarding Feng Shui placement for a Desk.

What is the best way to follow Feng Shui for a desk facing a window?

Feng Shui for desk

So you’ve decided to keep your desk facing the window. In this case, you can still make it work by following the fundamental principles of Feng Shui. Here’s how:

Step 1. Position Your Desk in the Commanding Position

In Feng Shui, the “commanding position” is an area of your office that allows you to face the door without sitting directly in front of it. It’s the position that offers you control and power over your surroundings.

To do this, place your desk so that it’s facing the door but not directly in front of it. By placing your desk in a commanding position, you will feel more in control of your work environment.

Step 2. Rectangular or Square Desks are Best

If you choose to place your desk in front of the window, it’s best to use a rectangular or square desk. According to Feng Shui, this shape creates balance and provides you with a sense of stability.

Additionally, it gives the illusion that you are standing in an open space, which helps to reduce stress and helps in better focus. Also, avoid smaller desk placement as you can be following bad feng shui.

Step 3. Your Desk should Face a Solid Wall with your Back against it

As per Feng Shui, you shouldn’t place your desk in front of a window. It would help if you had solid walls behind you, not windows. This gives you a sense of security and stability while working. It also helps reduce distractions from what’s happening outside the window.

Consider your own situation. What would you do if you were faced with a window full of distractions?

Step 4. Don’t Let your Desk get Cluttered

Clutter can create an uneasy feeling and prevent energy from flowing freely in your work area.

To create a balanced and organized workspace, keep your desk clutter-free. Make sure you only keep items on it that you need for work.

Step 5. Prosperity and Wealth symbols should be used

In Feng Shui, certain symbols can help to promote wealth and prosperity in your workspace. Place items like coins, plants, or lucky charms on your desk. These symbols will help to attract abundance and positivity into your workspace.

Plus, it’ll help to create a positive energy flow in your workspace.

Step 6. Make Use of the Color Red

After taking all the necessary steps to create a conducive workspace, you can use the color red to attract more wealth and prosperity. Red is known as a symbol of success and prosperity in Feng Shui.

So, if you’re looking to attract wealth into your workspace, use red-colored items such as paperweights, desk organizers, or file folders.

Step 7. Organize your Desk

De-cluttering your desk is another thing, but keeping your desk organized is another altogether. Clutter can create a lot of chaos in your workspace, but the organization will help you to stay focused and productive at work. For example, have a set filing system in place, use labels to organize documents, and keep all your supplies organized. You can check out our detailed guide on desk organization here.

Consider investing in a power strip to keep cords and wires organized if you have multiple electronic devices. If you want to check out how to organize computer wires, then check out our detailed guide on it, too.

Step 8. Don’t forget to add your own Flair

The last step is to add some personal flair to your workspace. To make your space more personal and inviting, add a few items that reflect your style and make you happy. This can include family photos, art pieces, or other meaningful items.

You can also use plants or flowers to bring life into your workspace. You can place a lot of cool desk accessories and if you want to check the top desk accessories, you can check out our researched guide here.

You can check out more here.

Tips to Boost Productivity at a Desk Facing the Window

Congrat if you make all the above steps and set up your desk in front of a window, you are ready to start working. But there are still some tips to ensure you are productive in your workspace.

  • Limit Distractions: Important to limit distractions from outside the window. You can use blinds or curtains to limit the amount of sunlight entering your workspace, and you can keep your desk organized by placing things in order.
  • Take Breaks: Keeping your eyes glued to a window for long periods of time can exhaust you. Take regular breaks to stretch your legs and move around. This will help you stay focused and productive for more extended periods.
  • Utilize Natural Light: Natural lighting increases energy levels and improves concentration. Position your desk near the window to take advantage of natural light, but ensure you’re not distracted by what’s outside the window.
  • Invest In A Standing Desk & Ergonomic Office Chair: Invest in a standing desk and ergonomic office chair to keep your posture correct. The right equipment will help you stay comfortable while working and reduce strain risk.

Using these steps, you can create a conducive working environment that promotes wealth and prosperity. Then, with the right setup and attitude, you can succeed at work.

Video Recommendations: Should Your Desk Be Placed In Front Of A Window?


Setting up your desk in front of a window can be beneficial in many ways. Not only does it provide natural light and reduce energy costs, but it can also bring wealth and prosperity.

But it’s essential to set up your workspace correctly, using Feng Shui principles, to ensure maximum productivity and success.

Make sure to limit distractions, take regular breaks, utilize natural light, and invest in the right equipment.

By following these steps, you can create a conducive workspace that will help you achieve success at work despite the challenges you may face.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How does my desk placement affect my health?

Your desk placement can affect your health in several ways. For example, sitting close to a window can provide natural light, which has been linked to improved mental and physical health. Additionally, a good desk setup can help to improve posture and reduce muscle strain. However, if your workstation is designed poorly or has harmful habits, it could lead to more significant health problems down the road, such as neck pain, back problems, knee pain, headaches, and wrist/joint discomfort.

How does my home office desk facing a window affect my eyes?

A home office desk facing a window can affect your eyes in both positive and negative ways. On one hand, it provides natural light to work with, which can reduce eye strain. However, on the other hand, it can also produce a glare that can cause discomfort and fatigue. To avoid this, adjust the blinds or curtains to limit the amount of natural light entering your workspace, and make sure that you take regular breaks away from the window.

What direction should your office desk face?

The ideal orientation for your office desk often depends on personal preferences and the layout of your workspace. Some people prefer facing a window to enjoy natural light and a view, while others prioritize avoiding distractions or glare from light sources. Experimenting with different orientations can help find the most comfortable and productive setup tailored to your specific needs and work habits.

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About Mike Irving

Enthusiast Computer Geek, with vast experience in Office Ergonomics. Mike Irving is known as Master of Office and Computer Desk setups including gaming workstations.

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